With our support, you can discover what you are good at, and what steps to take to achieve your goals. We will help you to build your confidence and basic skills. The Centre can help you to find the training you want. And if you don’t know, we will help you find out what you want to do.
Mentoring & support
If you come to The Centre, you will meet your Learning Engagement and Employment Officer (LEEO). These friendly and experienced people give you confidential advice and help. They can also refer you to specialist support. Together, you will find out how The Centre can help you.
Improve your basic skills
We can help you understand yourself and where you come from. We work on activities together to build your independence, confidence and skills.
We offer accredited language, literacy and numeracy courses and other modules that make you prepared for training or work.
We also offer entry-level qualifications as a step towards your goals.
Who can do this program?
This is for people of all ages, many of whom have not finished secondary school. Contact us to find out if this program is for you.