Foundation Skills for Your Future is a Federally funded program to develop language, literacy, numeracy and digital literacy skills for workers.
Train your employees
If you are an employer in the disability sector, you can offer this training to your employees to improve their skills. The course contributes to the quality of care in your organisation by:
- increasing digital literacy, the skills needed to work with hardware and software
- improving communication skills to support relationships with co-workers, carers, and clients, including improved hand-over
- working on collaboration skills, and the ability to accept or embrace innovation
- improving the quality of information management, documents, and handovers.
Other sectors
This training may also be useful to other sectors. If you are in another industry and believe this program will benefit your workers, please contact us to discuss your needs and see how we may access funding.
If you are interested in this program at your workplace, please contact our Business Relationship Officer Michael Crofts on 0459 275 911 or by email at
With your information and insights, we can put together a funding submission to this Federal fund.
* This training is delivered with Commonwealth Government Funding. Individuals with a disability are encouraged to access government subsidised training