
Varshana Swamy wins Change our Game scholarship

Ms. Varshana Swamy, Sport & Recreation Development Officer at Sport North East, has been awarded a scholarship from Change our Game, a program of the Victorian Government to develop the leadership potential of women in sports.

Read more - Varshana Swamy wins Change our Game scholarship

Support for Carers in the spotlight

The Centre for Continuing Education highlighted its support for carers at the Caring and Aging Well Community Festival today, organised by the Rural City of Wangaratta and Open Door Neighbourhood House as part of National Carers Week.

Read more - Support for Carers in the spotlight

Please meet Sue Geals, our new CEO

Sue Geals, our new CEO, who took up her position last Monday says hello to all our learners, clients, partners, employers and communities that together make The Centre such a unique place and space.

Read more - Please meet Sue Geals, our new CEO